Maxine’s May Roundup: AC Turns Four!
Hey Absoluters, the month of May has been a good one. I mean, we can finally eat indoors - I'm all for alfresco, but oh, that rain!
I hope you have all been enjoying seeing your family and friends and actually hugging them - I’ve got to say I am all for a bit of human contact, especially with loved ones. Darcy, my eldest, doesn't do human contact, so she was secretly loving not being able to hug!
Katy and I popped to London to visit celebrity hairdresser and friend of AC, Andrew Barton, which was wonderful. Have you spotted Katy's gorgeous new bob? I can tell you she absolutely swished her way through dinner with Andrew and his partner!
I have some very exciting news on the awards front - Maxerum WON at the prestigious Pure Global Beauty awards! Our fabulous serum was named the best new anti-ageing product - what an accolade! You can read more about the awards here. As most of you know, we worked very hard on Maxerum for two years before launching to our Absoluters, ensuring it was the absolute best in class, and it’s an amazing feeling to have it confirmed with a prestigious award.
We hit a huge milestone in May, as Absolute Collagen turned four years old! 🎉
It's an incredible anniversary and I'm so proud of everything Team AC has achieved over this incredibly short space of time. From prestigious industry awards to launching our gorgeous Maxerum and the fabulous new flavours, everything we've done has been for you, the Absoluter. You're always at the heart of every decision we make - so a big THANK YOU for all your amazing support, and here's to many more birthdays and big moments!
Another milestone in May: we hit 30,000 followers on Instagram! This is so important to us because absolutely everything we do is organic, which means we don't buy followers on any of our social media platforms. It’s just one of the ways we’re committed to giving our Absoluters the best experience, and we are incredibly proud to have hit the 30,000 follower mark - thank you to every single one of you who follows us, the team and I appreciate you all so much.
Who spotted us in Closer magazine? Oh, those all so cute photos of Darcy and Margot! I love looking back over the journey we’ve been on, and this interview was the perfect opportunity to reflect on that a little - as well as to celebrate the skills we women have that make us great mothers and equally great entrepreneurs.
Have a good one all! As for me, I'm off to the coast to finish writing my book. Wish me luck!