Maxine's January Roundup: New Office, New Absoluter Record, New Plans…
Wow, we’ve reached the end of the first month of 2022, and what a month it’s been!
In January, some of the team returned to work in our BRAND NEW OFFICE! Yes, that’s right, we’ve moved into beautiful new Birmingham premises. The space is absolutely gorgeous, we’ve painted it a cheery AC yellow, and the snack drawer is well stocked. I’m excited to welcome the whole of Team AC to our amazing new home in the coming weeks.
And of course, we’re all excited for our rescheduled Christmas party and Secret Santa exchange after Covid threw a spanner in the works last year - we’re simply carrying on the festive spirit into 2022.
We also celebrated a new Absoluter record! Our amazing social butterfly Katy welcomed a record-breaking 139 new Absoluters into our exclusive Absoluter Facebook group in one week - that’s the highest number of new members in one week we have EVER had. It’s a wonderful milestone and definitely worth celebrating. A very big warm welcome to every single one of you!
Plus, I’m beyond proud to reveal that Absolute Collagen is sponsoring The Female Empowerment Convention, a brilliant initiative from the Wolverhampton Haven, who do some incredible work. This is a cause that’s super close to my heart - you may have heard me speaking about the importance of empowering women before - and I believe it’s such a big honour to be able to support this amazing cause by sponsoring this event. I’ve been that woman that nobody really believed in, and I’m all about empowering women and giving something back.
I hope you’ve all had a lovely month and have lots to look forward to in February - let’s make it a fabulous month together!