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☘️ FREE Delivery & No Import Tax On All Orders

Photo of Maxine and Margot Laceby holding up a laptop with the ladies of Team AC visible on screen, they are all smiling and cheering
December 29, 2020

Maxine’s December Roundup: Celebrating Birthdays, Awards, and 2021!

Another month, another isolation! I hope you are all staying safe and staying strong. 

Both Margot and I found ourselves holed up again throughout December. Margot spent her 21st birthday holding court at our front door - not quite the 21st she had in mind, but you know what? I think she rather enjoyed gracing our doorstep with her presence, all masked up, champagne in hand whilst friends came and went at their allotted times! We all find ourselves having to make compromises and coming up with creative ways to enjoy and mark those moments we now realised we in some way probably took for granted.

December got off to a celebratory start as we (virtually) attended the Natwest Everywoman awards. The AC ladies donned fascinators and evening wear and cheered me on at the moment I became a Natwest Everywoman, winning the Demeter award! Such an honour, and an amazing end to a rollercoaster year - and it didn’t stop there, as later in December I was named by Business Leader as one of the top 32 leaders set to take 2021 by storm! Hell yeah, let's do this Absoluters!

And speaking of 2021, I have some exciting news regarding our upcoming plans - we have been taste testing some new flavours! Don’t worry, we’ll be keeping the classic lemon flavour, but we’re lining up some new flavours as well - after all, variety is the spice of life! The new flavours will be available for you to purchase in 2021, and I think you’re going to love them. Get ready for lots of new recipes to go with them, too!

The team and I have been feeling festive this month, and we’ve had some lovely surprise deliveries - it’s like Santa has come early! We work with some truly amazing and inspiring companies and individuals and we’ve been overwhelmed with gratitude at the lovely Christmas gifts we’ve received from them - thank you everyone!

And you might remember the story of the missing earring from last month’s roundup. Well, that story had an even happier ending, as the Absoluter in question sent us a gorgeous festive wreath - and even better, it was made of chocolate! I love it when people come together to help one another - what could be more in the spirit of Christmas?

You should all know that you, the Absoluters, are always my focus; you are the reason, you are the why. In 2020, I asked you what products you would like me to create for you and boy, in true Absoluter style, you didn't hold back in letting me know! And so I have been working hard in the background to secure investment to enable me to do just that - Absoluters, 2021 will be all about you!

I very much hope you all had a very merry, if somewhat different, Christmas this year and look forward to catching up with you all in the Absoluters Facebook group. Happy New Year, everyone!

Maxine x

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