Maxine’s November Roundup: Gifting Black Friday and Other Feelgood News!
Hello Absoluters, I hope you are as well as can be and your loved ones are safe. I found myself in quarantine this month, working from home with hours of virtual meetings. I must say I rather enjoyed it - first world problems to have, eh?!
Before I jump in, I just wanted to let our subscribers know that we will be bringing some of your subscription renewals forward to avoid any delays over Christmas (some of you may recall this is the same as what we did last year). You will still get the normal email reminder 3 days beforehand, where you can delay the order should you need to.
I have a choice as to whether I have contact with the outside world. Some people have no choice at all, and I can't begin to imagine what that must feel like, so I am making it my mission to really engage with people I meet whilst in the supermarket (as much as social distancing will allow). Looking someone in the eye and smiling with your eyes (since we’re all wearing masks!) can go a long way.
Black Friday was very much upon us, and boy did we know it! Not sure about you guys, but I find the hype beyond me. It’s all a bit of a con, with pre-inflated prices to show big discounts on the day. I decided to stand by who I am this year, and go against the flow. Our Absoluters are worth so much more to us than just a discount code, so we gave all our subscribers the opportunity to gift to their loved ones. In fact, when we totted up the numbers, we worked out that this Black Friday we gifted 77 years worth of Absolute Collagen to your nearest and dearest, and boy did that make the AC team feel good!
Another feelgood story from the past month is 'The Missing Earring'. A distressed Absoluter called to say she had lost an earring, one that held many memories to her, and she thought it might have ended up in the Absolute Collagen recycling bag she returned to us. Now to say we have thousands of returned recycling bags all filled with sticky sachets would be an understatement - but the AC team, as always, were undeterred. After much sweat and searching, the missing earring was found and returned to one happy Absoluter. I do love a happy ending!
And on the subject of feelgood, our private FB Absoluters group is like a big hug - and we could all do with one of those right now. To join, just click here, request to become a member and our very own social butterfly Katy will give you access - after she's checked you are an Absoluter, of course!
Maxerum is back in stock and flying out once again, and the 5-star reviews just keep rolling in and reducing Darcy to tears almost daily - happy tears of course! I have said before that as a family business, we pride ourselves on our engagement with the Absoluter tribe. And we truly love nothing more than empowering you guys to feel your absolute best, so when the reviews come in, it has a personal effect on all of us.
And on that note, I personally want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to ensure we do not run out of Maxerum again. The reason for the previous shortage was very much due to a set of circumstances caused by the pandemic, as the world tries to catch up with 'normality’, and therefore shouldn’t happen again.
As we grow as a business, so does our AC family and this month we welcomed four new AC team members. Please join me in welcoming Andy, who is working closely with Darcy on logistics, Sam, working alongside Margot as content creator, Chloe, who has joined our customer service team (Chloe will also be working Saturdays ensuring you are looked after over the weekend) and Keith, who is managing all things Amazon. Our team is so important to me, and creating a workplace that is inspirational, vibrant and fulfilling is essential. It is my mission to create an environment at Absolute Collagen where every team member is employed in their dream job.
We are embarking on spreading the amazing benefits of Absolute Collagen to all, and our Absoluters are growing worldwide!
The ladies of the AC team will be enjoying a virtual event on 3rd December celebrating the NatWest Everywoman awards, in which I am a finalist. The awards celebrate the women behind various fantastic businesses, showcasing their personal successes and achievements and celebrating how they individually inspire others. I am very much looking forward to virtually meeting all the finalists. I may even don an evening gown and tiara - or perhaps glittery pyjamas! Watch out for the social photos...
And as Christmas approaches, we’re all thinking about what to get our loved ones. If you haven’t already done so, why not check out our fabulous Christmas gifting range? And from all of us at Team AC, we wish you a wonderful festive season.