Maxine’s February Roundup: Self Care, Sharing the Love - and Welcoming the First AC Baby!
Well, for a short month, February sure has packed a punch!
We all had our spirits lifted when Boris gave us his roadmap for lifting lockdown. Hurrah, we certainly needed something. Four stages, hopefully ending on 21st June with all legal limits on social contact being removed. 🎉
It's the glimmer of light we have all been waiting for, especially with many people suffering from what is termed as ''pandemic stress''. Many doctors have reported a rise in patients suffering from stress-related hair loss, and we have seen this with our very own Absoluters. I was moved to tears when we received the following review from a lady suffering from hair loss. Having experienced it first hand with my daughter Margot I know only too well the trauma this brings. Andrea has been taking Absolute Collagen since last August. She says: “It's been transformational for me. Honestly, the best thing I have invested in for myself. My hairdresser has been so impressed with the improvements. There's no going back for me!”
For me, knowing Absolute Collagen has been a part of Andrea’s transformational hair journey brought about a feeling of immense reward in knowing we are truly making a difference.
We have all had stress in some form or other, from homeschooling to keeping our loved ones feeling safe and loved - not to mention health concerns and the economic uncertainty. I know my conversation with my friends has gone up a gear as we continue to 'be there' for one another, and I know that’s the case for a lot of you as I had many messages from Absoluters on my Galentine’s post where I celebrated the importance of my friends in my life.
As lockdown eases, it will throw up concerns for many as we once again adjust, but whilst we continue to offer support for those we love, let us not forget ourselves! For many of us, it's in our DNA to put everyone else first, but speaking personally I know there is a broader benefit to my family when I do prioritise my own self-care. It's as crazy as popping 'me' into my day, from putting my earrings on to taking my Absolute Collagen to ensure I feel my absolute best every day! That's not saying I actually put it in the calendar, I'm just mindful of 'me', and quite right too!
A person I don't expect to be getting too much 'me' time right now is Hannah, our Digital Marketing Manager, who during February gave birth to her beautiful daughter! Huge congratulations to Hannah and her husband. We are so happy and excited, not least because this is the first AC baby! 🍼
Talking of all things new, this month we also welcomed Hollie to the team as a PPC Executive, and she was able to meet the whole AC team at our virtual cheese and wine night! Carl and Ian of Decent Drop did a fantastic job of hosting this event for us. We laughed, ate cheese and drank wine, and although there were a few sore heads the following day, the entire team said they would do this again, even out of lockdown!
Plus, who's spotted our new box in their latest delivery? We’ve made a few little changes to make our boxes even better. The sachets now stand upright, and we have added a tick chart, so you never miss a day
To filter or not to filter, that is the question! At Absolute Collagen, we're all about feeling your absolute best, and accepting ALL our Absoluters is so important to me. I became aware of a lady whom the only way she found the courage to post a selfie on the Absoluters Facebook group was with a filter. This lady was clearly feeling good and wanted to share it with others; unfortunately the response she received upset her so much that she felt she had no option but to leave the Absoluters group.
My mission is to make every Absoluter feel Safe, Important, and Respected, including people who use filters on selfies, wear acrylic nails, undergo cosmetic surgeries, or just prefer to go completely makeup-free! Our supplement and serum is for people of all ages, genders, ethnicities and skin types - we can all benefit from a collagen boost, whether for preventative or restorative reasons, and we absolutely love seeing the selfies and testimonials from our incredible Absoluters, each one unique and brilliant, with or without a filter! 💛
In other news, some of you may have seen me on BBC Morning Live talking about ADHD! Whilst being diagnosed at 50 wasn't too much of a shock, it did answer some lifelong questions to how I roll, and my children were like, 'yeah, that figures.' I really do see it as an asset, and I am sure Absolute Collagen would not be if it were not for the traits of ADHD. Being super focused and impulsive, along with being solution-focused, means I'm like a dog with a bone! (Or should I say many bones in a pot!)
To return for a second to the subject of lockdowns and the pandemic, I just want to say congratulations to those of you who have had the vaccine. Being in Group 8, I will have mine soon, and I couldn't be more excited! Of course, it's a personal thing, but for me, the decision to have it was unquestionable.
And finally… someone asked me the other day, 'what have you given up for Lent'? My answer was short and simple, absolutely nothing! Haven't we given up enough in the last 12 months? Possibly not the right attitude… but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Much love to you all, stay safe and stay sane. We're nearly there x