What's Your Daily Recommended Collagen Intake?
We know you want to feel like your best, healthiest and strongest self. So what better way to do this than having a daily intake of collagen?
The minimum recommended collagen intake in a day is 5g as part of a healthy lifestyle. Any less than this and your body will not process it effectively.
8-12g is recommended for those who want to lose weight and increase their energy. This dosage is enough to reduce inflammation, line the cells of your gut, and improve your digestive health.
If you’re looking to replenish your cells, ease joint pain, and build muscle, then you can always double up your recommended collagen intake. Taking a sachet in the morning and another post work out.
Our Absolute Collagen formula contains the most collagen in the smallest dose at the lowest possible price with the minimum amount of fuss.
Each 10ml sachet of Absolute Collagen contains 8g of high-grade collagen per serving and contains no artificial flavours, colours or added sugar. We highly recommend one sachet of Absolute Collagen daily for best results and to stimulate your body’s natural collagen production.
How to take Absolute Collagen:
Absolute Collagen has been made with our busy lives in mind, so take it when suits you. Put a few sachets in your handbag and a few in your office desk, that way you will never miss a dose.
Take it straight from the sachet, or mix it into a hot or cold drink of your choice. Many of our #Absoluters take their daily recommended collagen intake by adding Absolute Collagen as a sweetener to their morning coffee or into their post-workout protein shakes.
Try adding it to your breakfast by folding it into your yoghurt or cereal. Another way to take your recommended collagen intake is to pop a sachet into an afternoon ‘tisane’ (warm water with lemon) or mix with mint. Take it however it suits you, just do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
The benefits of daily collagen intake:
There are so many benefits to adding Absolute Collagen to your daily routine. Here are just a few:
Improve your skin health - We all want skin that makes us feel our most confident self. Collagen plays a role in strengthening your skin and can benefit its elasticity and hydration. This leaves your skin feeling baby smooth and supple.
Conditions your hair and nails - Collagen is part of the structural development in your hair and nails, leaving them strong and nourished. A daily dose of Absolute Collagen will prevent breakage and leave cuticles strong and hair silky.
- Repair and build muscle - Since collagen is the main structural protein, it is a key element when it comes to your protecting your physical health. It strengthens and aids the recovery of your muscles after an intense session at the gym. It is recommended that you take it as a post workout supplement to repair your muscles. Also, taking collagen daily as a supplement can maintain muscle mass that is lost with age to tighten and tone your skin.