What Age Should I Start Taking Collagen?
At Absolute Collagen, we know that collagen is the secret ingredient when it comes to looking and feeling youthful for longer - in fact, lots of our Absoluters call our nifty yellow sachets their magic potion, secret weapon, or liquid gold!
But one of the questions we often receive is: “what age should I start taking collagen?” We’ll take a look at the science behind collagen supplements, as well as some of the things to consider when deciding whether to start taking collagen.
When Do Collagen Levels Peak?
Our bodies naturally produce our own collagen, which is then used in our skin, hair, nails, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and more. Collagen really is an incredible little protein, helping us in many ways we might not even realise!
From birth to the age of approximately 20, our collagen levels gradually increase, and from 20-25 an optimum level of collagen is maintained. This is when our natural collagen levels peak.
After the age of 25, however, we start to lose collagen. Our levels of collagen decrease gradually at first, but this decrease accelerates around the age of 50, which, for women, often marks the beginning of perimenopause.
By the age of 60-70, natural collagen production is very low, and by this time most people are already experiencing the most visible, prominent signs of aging - thinning hair, wrinkles, brittle nails and dry skin being among the most common complaints.
What Are The Signs You Should Start Taking Collagen?
A common misconception is that the signs of aging only start in your thirties and forties - in fact, you may notice them as early as your twenties, especially if other environmental and lifestyle factors are exacerbating them. For instance, someone who has done their fair share of “hard living”, with partying, late nights, drinking, smoking, and unprotected sun exposure, will likely notice signs of aging earlier than someone of the same age who has not followed the same lifestyle, as all these activities have a detrimental effect on collagen production and overall skin health.
But what exactly are the signs of low collagen production?
Well, the main places to look are around the eyes and mouth. The delicate skin around our eyes is particularly susceptible to signs of aging, so you may notice fine lines and creases beginning to form. And around the mouth, you may see lines from the edge of your nose to the corners of your mouth starting to deepen, and your jawline might start to subtly lose definition or sag.
Plus, you might notice skin isn’t as soft and dewy as it once was; it may feel rough to the touch, or become slightly discoloured. If you notice all or some of these changes, this may be a sign that you should think about supplementing your collagen levels.
How Can Taking A Collagen Supplement Help?
There are many benefits people see from taking a collagen supplement. It works by tricking the body into kickstarting its own collagen production once more.
One of the most well-known benefits is boosted skin health, and a “glowing” quality that comes from skin becoming more supple, plump, and firm. Collagen also smoothes fine lines and wrinkles from the inside out, which is why so many people swear by it as an anti-aging product. Additionally, collagen boosts the health of our hair and nails, strengthening and helping them to grow faster - which is important, as our hair and nails often betray us with signs of aging even if our faces don’t.
But collagen does more than that; it also maintains the health and function of the connective tissues, like ligaments and tendons. These help keep us active and able to exercise, maintaining an overall high quality of life and fitness. Many Absoluters take Absolute Collagen in conjunction with their regular gym or exercise regimen, as collagen can boost muscle mass, help strengthen the body and support healthy weight loss, as muscle has a higher caloric requirement than fat.
All of these benefits, when combined, help to create not only a more youthful appearance but also an increased feeling of energy, youthfulness, and overall wellbeing - and it all comes from one nifty little protein!
Where Can You Get Collagen?
Collagen is found in animal connective tissue, so it’s relatively easy to get some into your diet if you don’t mind eating chicken and pork skin, or bone broth.
However, many people aren’t keen on consuming these foods, and the collagen derived from these sources is not always the easiest for the body to break down and use - plus, a collagen supplement is often much more convenient. There are also different types of collagen, but the best type to consume is Type 1, as this is the most abundant in the body.
We recommend Type 1 marine collagen, as this has been proven to break down and absorb up to 1.5 times faster than Type 1 collagen from other sources. For this reason, Type 1 marine collagen is the only kind of collagen we use in our Absolute Collagen supplements, taken from just beneath the skin of sustainably farmed tilapia and pangasius fish, which are enjoyed worldwide for their delicious taste. What’s more, our collagen is hydrolysed, which basically means it has been chemically broken down into collagen peptides. These peptides are much smaller than normal collagen molecules and can therefore enter the bloodstream quicker and with a higher absorption rate - so you’re getting the most amount of the good stuff in the smallest dose.

Each daily sachet of Absolute Collagen contains 8000mg of high quality hydrolysed marine collagen peptides, which is the maximum amount the body can absorb and process at any one time, plus a splash of Vitamin C to aid with absorption and to get the body making its own collagen again. Then, we add a hint of natural lemon flavouring to taste - and that’s it! No mess, no fuss, and no extra ingredients.
So, When Should I Start Taking Collagen?
The short answer is - you can start taking collagen supplements as early as you like. Whether you are starting to notice subtle, early signs of aging or want to counter more visible signs of aging, people of all ages can benefit from taking additional collagen. Some younger Absoluters take it primarily as a preventative measure, while others see benefits well into their seventies. And it doesn’t take long to see the benefits - in fact, a recent survey of 3,500 Absoluters found that 78% saw results within just 12 weeks, and 93% said their skin felt softer.
In order to gain the maximum benefit, you could start taking collagen supplements in your twenties and maintain this throughout your thirties, forties, fifties and beyond. That said, Absoluters of all ages report great results with our product, so it’s never too late to kickstart your collagen production!
Ultimately, the age you want to start taking collagen supplements is a personal decision. Just know that Team AC will be here to support you and guide you through your Absolute Collagen journey when you decide the time is right for you. Feel free to get in touch with any other questions - we’re always happy to help!